School Badge & Logo

St Joseph’s School Glen Innes are proud of their unique school badge and logo. The Khi Rho sign on the school badge represents Christ. Just as Christ was the essence of honour, truth and justice, so all members of the St Joseph’s School and community will strive to stand by these qualities in all that they do.
These characteristics are to be show in prayer, work, song and play so that all present and future members of our school will be living examples of Christ and so uphold our motto ‘Act Justly’.
“This is what God asks of you… act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

The Josephite Emblem, worn by the Sisters of Joseph of the Sacred Heart, is symbolic and traditional in its origin.
The M is for Mary, the Mother of God. The three J’s are for Jesus, Joseph and John the Baptist. Both Father Julian Tenison Woods and Mary MacKillop had a great devotion to John the Baptist. The monogram, formed in blue braid, was first worn by the Sisters on the front of their brown habit.